SEO Consulting

Squarespace SEO Consulting

Need to be found? That’s what we do.


Is your website not showing up in Google search results?
Not reaching enough local customers?

We are Squarespace SEO Experts with over a decade of first-hand experience with our own sites and hundreds of happy clients. We’ll help you create a solid foundation for organic online visibility.

Website Audits & Optimization

Google Business Page Optimization

SEO & CRO Training for DIY Clients

Content Marketing & Strategy


Is your website not performing? We show you why.

Education and transparency will get you and your team excited about search engine optimization. When your team understands how search engines work, SEO will become part of your everyday business operations. Our goal is to share ethical, common sense SEO knowledge to help you find organic search success. Google’s philosophy is to “focus on the user and all else will follow” and we believe the same.

  • Did you build your Squarespace site yourself and don’t know if you did it right?

  • Did you work with an SEO freelancer or agency and weren’t happy with the results?

  • Did you just begin to think about SEO, and want to make sure it is done right the first time?

We could not be more thrilled. Had one training session with Christine so far, and the results are beyond what we hoped! She helped us to target and fulfill our goals precisely. Exceedingly pleased.
— G.M. // Architect

Need SEO help? Book below.  

If you built and maintain your website yourself, then the training/consultation option below is the place to start. If you are an established company with a budget for content strategy, please reach out for a quote. And if you are unsure which option is for you, or if you just want to touch base with a real person before booking, schedule a quick call. We love to connect with fellow Squarespace users! 

Option 1

SEO Training & Consult


Tailored SEO Strategy

2-hour Zoom

SEO Updates While We Talk

Actionable Advice

Option 2

Squarespace SEO

Get Quote

Work Done For You

Project Based

Build A Solid Foundation

Training & On-Going Support

Option 3

Free SEO Guide


Quick & Easy

Step-by-Step Daily Emails

Boost Your Online Efforts


What does a typical session look like?

  • Schedule a Zoom above. During the Zoom, we’ll learn about your specific business, goals, and customers. We review your website, SEO elements, site structure, navigation, content strategy, user experience, and more. You learn expert tips and tricks along the way. We’ve been doing this for over 10 years and a 2-hour Zoom is typically the right fit for an initial meeting.

  • Prioritization. During the Zoom, we prioritize the SEO tactics that will bring you the most improvement quickly. And we help you understand strategies that might take more time or investment, but can lead to higher organic traffic in the long term.

  • Implementation. During the Zoom, if desired, we’ll make suggested improvements, fixes, and on-page SEO updates. We’ll also review your off-page SEO elements and make recommendations for your business. A lot can be covered and accomplished in this one-time session, see customer feedback.

  • Next Steps. After the Zoom, the next steps can vary. The session often serves as a jumping-off point for DIY site owners learning about SEO. Other businesses may hire us for longer engagements, such as continuing with site improvements, site redesigns, or ongoing content strategy. Some small businesses prefer a hybrid approach: they do additional work and then book SEO training or periodic check-ups as needed. We are happy to tailor our services or website support to suit your needs.


Impactful Results

SEO consultants should not promise specific rankings. Why? Google considers hundreds of different factors and constantly updates algorithms. And rankings depend on many things such as competitors, keywords, site history, existing links, citations, social media activity, algorithm updates, and more. Read what we can promise here. 

We saw an instant 30% jump in student application numbers as compared to previous years.
See All Case Studies
Rankings are already better — one keyword jumped close to 20 positions. Thank you!
See Results

While many SMBs hire us for a one-time website audit/review and do experience quick gains, it is important to remember that SEO is not one-and-done magic. For many sites, maintaining a top online presence is the result of ongoing effort and long-term strategy. If needed, we can work with you on a regular basis to help you reach your larger goals.

Let’s move the needle for your site.

Work with the Original “Squarespace SEO” Agency

Learn more about our holistic approach versus a traditional SEO company.


Recommended Reading Before Hiring

Tip: Many practitioners, ourselves included, position themselves as “Squarespace SEO experts” or similar, implying that “Squarespace SEO” requires specialized knowledge. However, it’s important to understand that search engine optimization principles are universal and consistent across all content management systems. While each CMS may have platform-specific adjustments to consider, these nuances are not the core of SEO. Online visiblity is not determined by the features of a particular website builder. When seeking help, choose a provider with a broad and proven track record to ensure your needs are met. 

Squarespace SEO Specialist