Stand out from the crowd
We help writers shine online
Launch your website
We have over decade of experience working with authors.
Grow your readership
A website gives you a hub from which to sell books and gain fans.
Promote your work
Whatever your goals are, we help make the process easier.
Author websites made easy!
We are experienced Squarespace website designers and SEO specialists helping authors, journalists, publicists and others in the world of writing achieve their business and marketing goals. Your author website is the place where all your marketing comes together. Whether you are a debut novelist or a bestselling author, we make the process easy for all genres.
“You made the project so easy and happy. I love the finished product. I really appreciate your meticulous work, patience, sense of humor and suggestions. It’s been a joy to work with you.”
Websites that Work
Our author website design services give you an easy-to-update and beautiful platform. We can help you design the look and feel of your site, structure your book content, and build and launch the site for you. All Squarespace sites can be integrated with email and social media. You’ll have ownership of your site and know how to update your content. Most important, our SEO expertise sets you up for search engine success.
If needed, we also offer email marketing services and ongoing website support.
Let's Create Your Squarespace Author Website
Need an Author Site?
“Christine was creative, brilliant, patient with a less technically-oriented client like me, and an excellent all-around designer, teacher, and coach through the process of creating a new website. I’d recommend her unreservedly!”
“Christine has a great understanding of the needs of writers and authors, and the work a website can do for them. She is willing to encourage you toward better design ideas. ”
Do you want to DIY? Learn more about creating an author website and book a Squarespace Training for professional feedback prior to launching.