Christine Darby // Published: September 2014 // Updated: January 2024

Squarespace Email Marketing is a built-in feature allowing you to create, send, and track email campaigns directly from your website dashboard.

Email marketing is a tried-and-true digital marketing strategy that benefits not just ecommerce stores, but also SMBs and thought leaders. Email can amplify the benefits of business blogging by boosting content visibility and reader engagement. When you publish quality SEO content or thought leadership, an email campaign can extend the reach of your content marketing efforts:

  • It ensures direct communication with interested readers, bypassing algorithms of social media platforms that might otherwise limit content reach.

  • When you publish a new post, sending an email to your growing subscriber list can give your website an immediate traffic boost.

  • With regular updates and newsletters, you can nurture casual visitors into clients.

Squarespace Email Campaigns

Squarespace Campaigns offers design tools similar to those on the main Squarespace website platform, helping to ensure brand consistency. It is a simple way for beginners to get started with email marketing.

We prefer Mailchimp, but over the years many clients have switched to Squarespace Email Campaigns due to the fact that it is easier, and often it is less expensive.

As a free trial, Squarespace allows you to send 3 emails (aka campaigns) to your subscriber list. On your 4th send, you’ll choose one of their email plans depending on the size of your list and the number of emails you want to send each month.

Key Benefit: Seamless Integration

The key benefit of Squarespace Email Campaigns is its direct integration with your website content. This streamlines the email sending process because you don’t have to integrate a third-party email platform such as MailChimp, ConvertKit, or Constant Contact.

  • Automated content pulling: With just a few clicks, you can integrate content from your Squarespace website into your emails. For instance, if you have a new blog post, you don’t need to manually copy the link, headline, or featured image. The system can auto-fill these details into your email template.

  • Product integration: For e-commerce websites built on Squarespace, product details, images, and prices can be directly pulled into promotional emails. This makes announcing new products or sales fairly easy.

  • Paid Newsletter: You can use email campaigns in conjunction with a Squarespace member area to create a paid newsletter for subscribers.

Considerations: Limited Features

Squarespace Email Marketing does not have nearly the same depth of features as platforms that were purpose built for dedicated email marketing, such as Mailchimp or ConvertKit. Thus it is not the best option for businesses who need advanced email marketing strategies or those who are already deeply invested in another platform.

  • Automation triggers: Squarespace offers very basic email automation, while platforms like ConvertKit or Mailchimp will offer advanced automation funnels. The more advanced platforms allow users to create detailed automated workflows based on specific triggers, ensuring subscribers get personalized content at every stage of their journey.

  • Segmentation: While Squarespace offers basic segmentation, platforms like Mailchimp take it a step further. For example, Mailchimp allows for more granular segmentation based on user behavior, e-commerce activity, and much more.

  • A/B Testing: A/B testing, also known as split testing, is essential for optimizing email campaigns. Dedicated platforms will offer robust A/B testing tools, allowing users to test multiple elements of an email, from subject lines to send times. Squarespace does not offer A/B testing, their support literature mentions it, but their proposed method is a workaround versus a feature.

  • Integrations: Dedicated email platforms usually have a plethora of third-party integrations, allowing them to work seamlessly with CRMs, e-commerce platforms, and other tools. Squarespace’s primary integration strength is with its own platform, which may limit some functionalities for users who want diverse tool integrations.

But again, the simplicity of Squarespace email marketing is a primary reason many small businesses choose the tool.

Potential Privacy Issue

Important: Currently, if you need to fully remove a person’s information from your platform, when you delete a user profile from an Email Marketing List, you then need to separately delete the profile under Contacts. This is not intuitive.

Final Thoughts

For any website or business with a blog, email marketing is a natural extension of your platform. It allows for deeper connections with readers, ensures consistent traffic, offers monetization avenues, and provides greater control over content distribution.

If you blog on Squarespace and haven’t tried email marketing, Squarespace Email Campaigns is worth a look. However, if advanced features or extensive third-party integrations become a top priority, other platforms will be a more appropriate choice.

Need email marketing advice?

We are Mailchimp Partners and Squarespace Experts.