Christine Darby // Published: May 2014 // Updated: August 2023

Update: When we first compiled our list of the “top 10 Twitter accounts for small businesses,” there weren't many curated lists for the SMB niche online. This was one of our initial posts. Today, while there's no shortage of extensive “must follow” lists, we maintain and update this post as a nod to our start. Regardless of the platform—be it “X”, Threads, or LinkedIn—these accounts are worth following.

10 Top Twitter Accounts for Small Businesses

The world of social media opens up countless opportunities for businesses of all sizes, with Twitter aka “X”, Threads, LinkedIn, and others serving as platforms for real-time engagement, networking, and promotion. These platforms offer your business a chance to amplify your brand, connect with your audience, and learn from the giants in your industry.

Whether you’re just getting started with social media marketing or looking to rejuvenate your feed, here are 10 social profiles that provide insights, inspiration, and advice for small businesses:

  1. @SBAgov: Why follow? The U.S. Small Business Administration offers helpful news, tips, and resources for the small business community.

  2. @SearchLiaison (Google’s Search Liaison): Why follow? Insights and updates on Google search. Every business needs to keep a pulse on SEO.

  3. @Moz: Why follow? Moz is a trusted authority in the area of online search and they have some of the best free SEO education available.

  4. @Buffer: Why follow? Buffer’s blog is focused on social media productivity. Articles draw heavily from the latest research and science. 

  5. @HarvardBiz: Why follow? The Harvard Business Review tweets the latest business research, ideas, and strategies.

  6. @StanfordGSB (Stanford Graduate School of Business): Why follow? Business research, insights, and ideas from Stanford.

  7. @Inc: Why follow? From startups to more established small businesses, Inc. provides general articles on growth, management, and innovation.

  8. @genemarks: Why follow? Gene Marks is a small business owner. He runs a CRM consulting firm and writes regularly for major media outlets. We found his perspective on small business issues insightful ten years ago, and he’s still relevant today.

  9. @AustinChamber: Why follow? Follow your local chamber of commerce for up-to-date information on SMB events in your area.

  10. @Squarespace: Why follow? Follow the platforms in your tech stack to stay informed of updates and new features, whether it is Squarespace, Shopify, Webflow, Freshbooks, Quickbooks, Mailchimp, etc.

Remember, social media isn’t just about broadcasting your own messages, it’s about engaging, learning, and being part of a wider community. As a small business, you have a unique perspective and voice, and by connecting with the right influences and experts, you can refine and amplify that voice to grow your brand and your business.

Engage with these accounts, absorb their insights, and don’t hesitate to join the conversation. Happy posting!

Note, if you are just getting started in your journey as a small business, we encourage you to explore our site for common sense small business digital marketing tips.